Got an emergency? Our service techs are on call 24/7!
Call 507-386-0602 or text your service request to 507-381-6108 during business hours.
104 Adams Street
Mankato, MN 56001
Call Now Fast Service
507-381-6108 (text service request during business hours)
Office Hours:
7:30-4:30 M-F
Regular Service Hours:
8:00-4:30 M-F

You can request service by  emailing us or by calling 507-386-0602
Phones are answered 24 hours a day.

Here are just a few of the products and repair services our skilled technicians offer:

  • Commercial and industrial refrigeration service
  • Commercial HVAC service
  • Boilers
  • Burners
  • Chillers
  • Commercial kitchen equipment service (including ovens, fryers, grinders, hoods, ranges, grills, and steamers)
  • Walk-in coolers and freezers
  • Reach-in coolers and freezers
  • Ice machine
  • Soft-serve machines

We also offer:

  • Walk-in freezer & cooler sales and installation
  • Custom built parallel racks
  • Parallel rack upgrades

Our service area is a 100-mile radius around the Mankato area.

Just some of the places we service include: Belle Plaine, Jordan, Owatonna, Albert Lea, Austin, Mountain Lake, Fairmont, Jackson, Worthington, Windom, Sleepy Eye, and Redwood Falls! 

Don’t see your town or city on the list? Just call!